Ellicottville Memorial Library
Long Range Plan

February 5, 2020
Ellicottville Memorial Library
Board of Trustees



Board of Trustees
Bart Frank – President
Sheila Burrell – Vice president
Therese O’Rourke – Secretary
Rob Lanza – Treasurer
Bonnie Cady
Erin Cornelius
Kate Eshbaugh
Bonnie Koschir
Spencer Timkey
Carolyn Widger

Laura Flanagan

Ellicottville Memorial Library
6499 Maples Road
PO Box 1226
Ellicottville, NY 14731


Mission Statement

Ellicottville Memorial Library’s mission is to promote life-long literacy, increase cultural and artistic awareness and to provide opportunities for education, personal growth and enrichment, free of cost and without bias, to all those we serve.

Goal: Collection Development and Maintenance – Develop and maintain a quality collection of materials in various formats that reflects the needs and use patterns of the community.

Objectives Date person completed
Continue to maintain and update the current collection of materials. Survey library users as to their informational and recreational needs in order to develop a library collection that is relevant to the community. On-going Staff
Prioritize and update the DVD, and Large Print collections. Expand the Digital collection. On-going Staff
Continue to implement a system for weeding library materials based on the “Weeding Library Materials” policy adopted on 8/4/2010. On-going Director
Continue to improve labeling of book spines and shelves to provide better access to materials for patrons, volunteers and staff. On-going Staff
Continue to monitor overdue and replacement items. Weekly Staff
Develop plan to manage blocked patrons. 9/2020 Director

Goal: Programming – Provide a wide variety of programming for all age groups in the community.

Objectives Date person completed
Develop a programming schedule along with a yearly calendar of events for planning purposes. Yearly – December Staff/Board
Provide opportunities for library patrons to initiate or suggest programming opportunities. On-going Staff
Work cooperatively with other community agencies and organizations to meet our programming goals. On-going Staff/Board
Continue to provide a Summer Reading Program for children and young adults. Yearly Staff
Develop a programming budget. Yearly – November Director/Board

Goal: Financial Support – Ensure adequate private and public financial support to enable the library to fulfill its mission and attain both its long range and short range goals.

Objectives Date person completed
Continue to monitor and evaluate public funding sources to meet budget needs. On-going Director/Board
Pursue grant opportunities and gifts over the next five years to accomplish the libraries mission and goals. On-going Director/Board
Support the Holiday Valley Pro Am Yearly – summer Staff/Board
Work to obtain a major sponsor for the Pro Am. Spring 2020 Director/Board
Investigate trusts and endowments as a supplemental funding source. On-going Director/Board

Goal:  Staff – Maintain and develop a well-trained professional staff and volunteer base to assist library users.

Objectives Date person completed
Establish job descriptions for staff and volunteers. November 2020 Director/Board
Update procedures manual to assist staff and volunteers with day to day operations. On-going Director
Develop and implement a system of annual performance reviews. Yearly – December Director/Board
Provide opportunities for staff development, as identified in the annual performance review. On-going Director/Board
Develop a volunteer position/paid position? to design and manage Community Room programming. On-going Director
Maintain a continuous program to recruit capable volunteers. On-going Staff

Goal:  Facility – Present a well-maintained facility that is comfortable, aesthetically pleasing and accessible to all members of the community.

Objectives Date person completed
Create a building manual with general information regarding the physical building. May 2021 Director
Ensure on-going maintenance schedules. On-going Staff
Touch up painting of interior walls On-going Staff
Seal parking lot as needed. Summer 2023 Board
Building Committee to meet annually to assess physical building structure and grounds. Annually in Spring Building Committee
Continue to recruit volunteers for general maintenance of building and grounds. On-going Staff/Board
Improve and maintain landscaping behind the building. Fall 2020 after construction Staff
Continue to assess roof issues On-going Director/Board

Goal:  Technology and Equipment – maintain and expand the equipment and technology which enables patrons to not only access the library’s holdings but access additional information and resources outside the library as well as enabling the staff to work effectively and efficiently.

Objectives Date person completed
Continue to provide training to staff and volunteers regarding Koha, and OverDrive. On-going Director
Provide materials to increase patron awareness of available resources and services. On-going Director/Staff
Review demand for computers and other technology and budget accordingly. Annually Director/Board
Continue to work cooperatively with CCLS staff to maintain on-line databases. On-going Director
Expand access to and use of electronic resources offered by New York State and CCLS by establishing links on the library’s website. On-going Director/Mike Jones
Maintain anti-virus protection on all library computers On-going Director/Mike Jones
Review computer policy on an annual basis. Yearly – January Director/Board
Develop and implement a schedule for cleaning computer hardware and updating software. Yearly – February Director/Board

Goal: Governance – Maintain a board structure, composed of committed people with diverse interests who will strive for the wise and efficient management of the resources and facilities used to fulfill the mission of the library.

Objectives Date person completed
As the need arises, seek qualified Trustee candidates with expertise in areas such as finance, investment, technology, stewardship of the building, community outreach, etc. and retain a list of potential Trustee candidates for future consideration. On-going Board
Review and revise if necessary the library by-laws and all policies every three years. March 2021 Director/Board
Review mission and create new long range plan every five years. 2024 Director/Board
Review and revise committee structures of the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. Yearly – March Board
Provide orientation materials (i.e. Long Range Plan, recent financial statement, previous 6 months of minutes, etc) for new trustees. As needed Director

Goal:  Public Relations and Marketing – Inform library users and non-users of the multitude of resources, programs and educational opportunities at the Ellicottville Memorial Library.

Objectives Date person completed
Maintain and enhance a fully interactive library web site. On-going Director
Maintain library happenings article in the local newspaper. Write additional articles as the need arises to publicize events On-going Director/Staff
Work with local schools to display their artwork, poems, etc. in our gallery area. On-going Director
Develop and publish a brochure to publicize the Norman Rockwell prints 10/2020 Staff

Upcoming Events

Book Sale