Challenge of Library Materials

The Ellicottville Memorial Library supports the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read, View or Hear Statements.  Materials that meet the criteria for selection in the materials selection policy of the library should not be removed under any legal or extra-legal pressure. The Library Bill of Rights states that “materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background or views of those contributing to their creation”.  Materials “should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.”  Freedom of expression is protected by the Constitution of the United States that requires a procedure designed to focus searchingly on challenged expression before it can be suppressed.  An adversary hearing is part of the procedure.

Should any patron of the Ellicottville Memorial Library raise a question about any materials provided by the Library being in any way objectionable, the complainant must file a written complaint with the Library Director.  The complainant must be properly identified before the request is considered.  No action will be taken before the complaint is brought before the Board of Trustees.

The written complaint will be presented to the Board of Trustees. The Board shall

    1. read and examine the challenged material
    2. consider the specific objections to the material voiced by the complainant
    3. weigh the values and faults of the material as a whole
    4. solicit advice or opinions from other Library Directors, the Cattaraugus County Library System, the American Library Association Office for Intellectual Freedom, the New York State Intellectual Freedom Committee and an Attorney if necessary.
    5. The Board shall issue a written report within ninety days to the Director containing its recommendations concerning any complaint.

The Director shall review the report of the Board and notify the complainant.











Revised 3/08

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